Tuesday 8 August 2017

Farewell to Malavika Pradeep

Hey there,
This is a farewell notice to our retreating family member Malavika. She has been a fantastic edition to our family. Our family has been running like a clock and Malavika was definitely one of the numbers in them. The loss is always significant. Malavika, we would honestly miss you. Some of them, the closest of your friends more than others. But you were a good person. Full of zeal and enthusiasm, trying to find your place in the world. I have always believed that everyone is extraordinary. The more I get to know people, the more I justify that point. And that's the same for you. I respect your desire to be driven by your passions and that you are brave enough to stand up and talk. We are all sad to see you go. But honestly, happy to see that you are moving one step closer to your dream. All the very best! I have heard that memories once made cannot be erased. Hold all of your memories close to your heart. On the behalf of our class, farewell!


  1. Words cannot express how much I miss you guys. Thank you for the amazing memories each of you help create which I would forever hold close to my heart!
    This is goodbye to some and hello to others...


Bonjour Sem 2

Sometimes, lives biggest decisions are taken on the simplest journeys. Even as the Literature students ventured into nature on the day they ...