Sunday 20 August 2017

Ethical aspects of organ donation and transplantation

Ethical aspects of the organ donation and transplantation
This Presentation is my humble attempt to know, understand and study about the Ethical aspects of the organ donation and transplantation. As a lover of wisdom, this attempt is to make more clarity regarding the various aspects of organ donation. I wish may this humble presentation will give more clarity for you and me regarding ethical Value of organ donation and transplantation.
Saving the life is an important value. This is certainly an act of charity.  In all the transplantation of major organs between individuals of the same specious a part of one person is useful for the survival of another.
For the better understanding of the ethical aspects of the organ donation chapters are divided like Ethical value of organ donation and transplantation as the first chapter, Religious perspectives of organ donation as the second chapter and Gifts of the body : organ donation as the third.
Chapter: I Ethical value of organ donation and transplantation
The important focus of this chapter is to bring out the ethical values of the organ donation through socio analytic over view of the present practice which deals with facts, ethical concerns, consent of the donor and recipient, Legal issues in Commercialization, The moral force of consent, Arguments against paid organ donation, Advantages and benefits of organ donation
Facts about organ donation These are some of the facts about the organ donation, A national computer system and strict standards are in place to ensure ethical and fair distribution of organs. Organs are matched by blood and tissue typing, organ size, medical urgency, waiting time and geographic location. Organs and tissues that can be donated include: heart, kidneys, lungs, pancreas, liver, intestines, corneas, and skin, tendons, bone, and heart valves Organ donation is consistent with the beliefs of most major religions. If you are sick or injured and admitted to the hospital, the number one priority is to save your life. Organ donation can only be considered after brain death has been declared by a physician. Donors are needed for all races and ethnic groups. Transplant success rates increase when organs are matched between members of the same ethnic background.
Ethical concern of the organ donation When the individual being evaluated for living donation lacks the capacity to make such a decision, he or she can not strictly speaking, be a donor that is one who competently decides to donate. Such an individual can only be a source of the organs.
The consent of the donor and recipient The patient’s consent is considered to be free and informed and there should not be any pressure from any one became it is needed to be stale that the donor has given his consent freely and with full knowledge of the consequences. Only informed concert has been recognized as a valid form of consent in Indian law. If donor’s decisions are not autonomous or self determined this leads to treating a person with ort respect.
The moral force of consent Principle of double effect claims that there should not be an evil intention behind the act. The moral ingredients of a situation can influence the donor to make the decision consciously.
Legal issues in Commercialization of human organs Organ donation has a  social  aspect  in the sense that it can lead to the commercialization  of human organ Commercialization of human organ is  one of the main issues related to the organ donation and transplantation. The human body is becoming a commodity for prohibited trade. General medical ethics recommend that organ transplant should be altruistic and not for financial gain
Arguments against paid organ donation Rich people exploit the poor. There for poor person are always sellers and the rich person are always Byers. Medical programme is done with an eye on profit there is chance for deception, exploitation and corruption; thus, one becomes blind to the ethical values of the medical profession, rather them selling the organs, denotation should be a gift of love.
Advantages and benefits of organ donation Recipient has Bodily advantages donor has the Spiritual benefit and satisfaction
Chapter II Religious perspectives of organ donation
In this chapter, Religious Perspectives of Organ Donation. We come across different religious arguments on the ground of charity. The summery of the arguments will clarify that organ donation is accepted by all religions. But there is also some opposition like Confucianism.
All major religions either accept organ donation or accept the right of individual members to make their own decision. Research into the position of various religious groups reveals
Most religions are in favor of organ donation as acts of charity and as a means of saving a life. Janis, who regard compassion to be a main principle of their faith, donate organs pro-actively some impose certain restrictions. Muslims require that the donor have provided written consent in advance. Orthodox Judaism considers it obligatory if it will save a life, as long as the donor is considered dead as defined by Jewish law, which is a matter of debate among different rabbis. A few groups disfavor organ transplantation or donation;, these include Shinto[4] and those who follow the folk customs of the Romani.
Chapter III Gifts of the body : organ donation
In this chapter  I  mainly follow on the importance and relevant  of the organ donation from the stand point that organ as the gift of the body; by donating an organ we share the real life.. A national organ donation transplantation act passed by congress in 1984, established a national registry and donor-recipient matching system while also prohibiting the sale of organs for transplant.
Organ donation in India
India has fairly well developed corneal donation programme. Most of the transplants done in India are living related transplants. To limit organ commerce and promote donation after brain death the government enacted a law called the transplantation of human organ act in 1994 that brought about a significant change in the organ donation and transplantation in India. Problem of organ shortage in India is that the awareness of organ donation is very less, but the need of the organ is very much higher. Donating organs is a great deed as donating life to other. It is estimated that in India every year over 1,75,000 people are diagnosed to have kidney failure and would be needing a transplantation. Due to non availability of organs only about 5,500 kidney transplants are done. The same thing happens for eye and other organ donation as well
Organ transplant is a safe procedure that gives new hope and new life to thousands of people. When dealing with this issue this is a discussion of Life and death, where a decision is made on who lives, who dies and why. This issue is also regarding real people who are suffering, and decisions made based on good ethics and proper understanding of social and religious aspects will facilitate and make the process less painful. Both the community and physicians should therefore approach organ Transplant positively and objectively, organs carried by the individuals are the gift they received and by sharing or donating an organ there happens the sharing of life. so treat ethical, social and religious issues as negotiable perspectives and not barriers to organ transplant
By Thomas John

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